Delhi's driving test pass rate rose from 52% to 80% in the past year.

A total number of 40,000 driving tests were conducted on all test tracks in Delhi in 2021-22, of which only 52% (20,800 people) cleared it. In 2022-23, 95,051 driving tests were conducted and a total of 76,041 people passed the test.

Even as complaints come in about faceless driving tests, especially the difficulty level, the Delhi transport department has seen a sharp rise in the number of people passing them. of 95,051 tests conducted last year, 80% had passed it, as per the Outcome Budget Report.

According to the report, the percentage of passed tests increased last year as compared to 2021-22.

A total number of 40,000 driving tests were conducted on all test tracks in Delhi in 2021-22, of which only 52% (20,800 people) cleared it. In 2022-23, 95,051 driving tests were conducted and a total of 76,041 people passed the test.

In the Capital, the driving test procedure is now completely faceless. As part of this, all old tracks were converted into automated ones.

Testing procedures and steps have also been made stringent, with CCTV cameras installed across tracks, sensors that buzz when the vehicle hits the concrete, and screens that show pass or fail.

Due to the Covid pandemic, the tests were delayed. The government also offered some relaxation to those whose licences had expired by extending them. So, when the RTOs opened, a large number of people applied and passed the test, said an official.

Meanwhile, another official said, Still, a larger number of people who cleared the test are those with two-wheeler licences. Here, at the driving track I oversee, people who pass the two-wheeler tests are higher than the four-wheeler ones. There has also been a trend that for car licences, people are going to nearby states to get it made.

Officials said there are around 16 automated tracks in Delhi and on average, 2,190 tests are conducted daily.

Every track attends to 180 appointments. The last track to be automated was at Lado Sarai this year.


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