According to traffic officials, the Pune-bound carriageway of the Mumbai-Pune Expressway will be closed for all types of vehicles for a period of two hours from 2 pm to 2 am on Tuesday, November 21. Overhead gantry on Bhor Ghat section under Intelligent Traffic Management System (ITMS) project by Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation (MSRDC).
Motor vehicles going to Pune will have to undergo diversion at Shedung Phata, located 8 km from the work site. They will then follow the Mumbai-Pune Highway, also known as National Highway 4 (NH-4), to reach Shingroba Ghat and Magic Point Junction. This route will later take them back to the expressway for their onward journey to Pune, said assistant police inspector Yogesh Bhosale of the Bhor Ghat unit of the Highway Safety Patrol.