Kejriwal announced the opening of charging stations as Delhi transitions to become an EV capital.

Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, on Wednesday unveiled seven electric car charging stations and declared that the city is gradually becoming into the nation's Electric Vehicle (EV) capital.

The Delhi government created its EV Policy in 2020, and we weren't prepared for such a positive response. 25,809 automobiles were sold last year; over 29,000 have been sold in the first seven months of this year; more vehicles will be sold before the end of the year. This year, 9.3% of all cars sold were electric, with two-wheelers being the most popular. This indicates that Delhi is gradually becoming into the EV capital, At the occasion, Kejriwal added.

He mentioned a mobile application that allows users to find out which charging stations are nearby and whether they are occupied.

The stations provide two different sorts of charging options- rapid charging, which costs Rs 10 per unit of power spent, and slow charging, which costs Rs 3 per unit of electricity consumed.

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