Focus on tunnel safety on HP highways.

The collapse of the Silkyara Tunnel in Uttarkashi, Himachal Pradesh has come into focus, prompting geologists and environmentalists to advocate comprehensive geotechnical investigations before undertaking similar projects in hilly areas. Of the 14 tunnels planned for the Kiratpur-Manali Highway, seven are currently under construction, while work on the remaining tunnels has been completed by the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI).

Following the Uttarakhand incident, NHAI has initiated a safety audit of all its under-construction tunnels across the country, including Himachal. Delhi-based geologist and expert in research in Himachal, R. Sridhar stressed the need for careful geotechnical investigation before tunnel construction. He criticized NHAI's reliance on Environment Impact Assessment (EIA), which is completed in a few months, instead of thorough geological studies, which can take years. Sridhar challenged the notion of a geological surprise, insisting that a proper geological study would prevent the collapse.

Calling for accountability, Sridhar expressed concern that NHAI's rapid expansion lacked foresight and ignored environmental and geological norms. Eminent geologist Om Bhargava, former Director of Geological Survey of India (GSI), highlighted the importance of professional geological studies and emphasized that in the past only GSI had conducted such studies. Bhargava stressed the need to investigate the terrain before tunnel construction considering factors such as fault lines and seismic zones.

Arundeep Ahluwalia, a retired geologist from Panjab University, stressed accountability for safety in tunnel construction projects. He suggested that if stricter procedures were implemented the contractors, who are responsible for conducting the studies themselves, could be held responsible for accidents. Guman Singh, an environmentalist from Kullu, advocated focusing on building smaller alternative roads instead of widening the roads, saying that wide roads and tunnels are damaging the Himalayas. Singh urged NHAI to give priority to the safety of people by ensuring evacuation plans for all tunnels in Himachal.

The spotlight on Himachal Pradesh underlines the urgency of re-evaluating tunnel construction practices, emphasizing the critical role of thorough geological investigation and accountability in ensuring safety and environmental sustainability.

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